Friday, September 30, 2011

Almost a year old, but as relevant an analysis of the crisis today as it was then.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Class War?

Just look at them.  It sickens.  Lest you forget, the enemy in the struggle is not simply the system, but the owning, capitalist, class.  They are not faceless, and they are not simply cogs in a machine.  They act with intention and class consciousness.  They exploit us, they grow rich from our toil, and they disdain us.  They hold us in utter contempt, and in so doing make themselves contemptible.

In the past, they have refrained from such public and blatant displays of condescension - but no more.  They have grown complacent and decadent, and the time has come for the people to unite peacefully and show them that they cannot act with impunity forever.  They may have control of the apparatus of state and the public offices of the land, but there still exists the ideal principle of one person one vote, and we must unite to make that ideal reality through direct non-violent political action.

Workers!  The exploiters have shown that they have class consciousness.  Do you?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Event: What is Socialism All About?

Where: McMicken 46 (University of Cincinnati campus)
When: Wednesday, October 5th - 7PM

If there's one good thing to come out of the current crisis, perhaps it's the proof that capitalism is a dead end.
Sure, it works, but for whom? While working people, students, and their families suffer, the bankers and politicians who brought us this crisis are doing better than ever.

With neither of the mainstream political parties offering anying but austerity, people are turning to socialist ideas.

Join Professor Pranav Jani from the Columbus branch of the ISO for an open dialogue on reshaping our society to work for the majority.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Just a quick post to remind everyone that under capitalism:
1) The press is only as free as its corporate masters
Occupy Wall Street being ignored
2) That capitalism depends on the application of state violence for the continued "consent" of the population.

Chemical Workers Song

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The View of Georgia from Cincinnati

On September 21st 2011 the State of Georgia murdered an innocent man by lethal injection. Despite a flawed legal process, involving several trials and last minute appeals, Troy Davis was executed without any evidence against him and after several "witnesses" recanted their forced testimonies.

There was an outpouring of support for Troy around the world, including the entire continent of Europe: "Serious and compelling doubts have persistently surrounded the evidence on which Mr. Davis was convicted, and these were recognized by the appeal judges. The European Union therefore calls for his execution to be urgently commuted."

However the President of the United States, which by the way includes Georgia, did not offer a single word or action on the subject. The very next day he was here in Cincinnati speaking at Hilltop Concrete about his American Jobs Act - in a word, campaigning. He was too busy trying to boost his poll numbers to shine the light on an appalling miscarriage of justice. Too much of a downer for the campaign trail.

Obama did not seem to grasp that he was speaking in a city that had to have the Department of Justice review of its police force in 2001 after a number of unnecessary deaths at the hands of the Cincinnati PD. The killing of Timothy Thomas, an unarmed Black man fleeing arrest for traffic violations,  in particular led to riots in the city. The department was subject to independent monitoring of its use of force until 2007.

This same federal agency should be focusing energetically on the State of Georgia's broken justice system. The Department of Justice should be investigating Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, the entire Board of Pardons and Paroles, and the Savannah Police Department. Then there might be some actual justice in this case.

Open Letter: John Boehner is a socialist?

Note: This letter is in response to a claim by David Lewis, a Tea Party candidate for Ohio's 8th congressional district, that his republican opponent, John Boehner is a socialist. View the video here. It was submitted to a number of local publications and a copy was mailed to Mr. Lewis.


The membership of the Cincinnati branch of the International Socialist Organization (ISO) would like to set the record straight regarding Speaker of the House John Boehner's socialist credentials. On Monday the 19th, David Lewis, a Tea Party candidate for Ohio's 8th congressional district went on Fox News and told anchor Neil Cavuto that "John Boehner is a socialist."

We were as surprised as anyone to learn this, since none of our membership could recall Mr. Boehner ever having attended meetings of the organization. We thought that perhaps Mr. Lewis was suggesting that he was a member of the Socialist Party of Ohio, but party members could find no record of Speaker Boehner ever having even attended a meeting.

We weren't content to leave it at that, though. There are many other socialist parties on the left, and there are more every day. We telephoned our friends in Solidarity, another socialist organization, but they didn't count Mr. Boehner among their ranks either. Neither did the Democratic Socialist of America, nor the Socialist Equality Party. Mr. Boehner could well be a member of some party we hadn't heard of. In the interest of thoroughness, we took the time to make a brief review of Mr. Boehner's track record to see if there was anything in it to suggest that he is a member of a Socialist organization.

What we found is that Mr. Boehner has:
-Called raising taxes on the rich and corporations "class warfare"
-Said that the campaign for Palestinian self-determination was part of a "Triple Threat" against Israel
-Distributed bribes from tobacco lobbyists on the house floor.
-Acquired his personal wealth through the exploitation of workers inherent in capitalist production.
-Removed money from public schools with vouchers.
-Opposes democratic ideas like collective bargaining and trade unionism.
-Opposed single-payer healthcare.
-Proposed raising the Social Security retirement age to 70

In short, we have found is that capitalism seems to have no better friend than John Boehner, and that he, if anything, is categorically an enemy of working people everywhere and therefore by definition not a socialist.

Socialists fight for a just and equitable world; a world free of exploitation. Socialists are at the forefront of a number of struggles: the movement to stop war and occupation, fights against racism and anti-immigrant scapegoating, the struggle for women's rights like the right to choose abortion, opposing anti-gay bigotry, and standing up for workers' rights. John Boehner is on the opposite side of all of these fights.

Accordingly, we have contacted Mr. Lewis and requested that he cease referring to John Boehner as a Socialist, because we fear that people will come to some seriously negative (and mistaken) conclusions about socialism as a result of his remarks.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

State Murder Must End

Troy Davis was killed tonight by the state of Georgia, the Pardon and Parole Board, the Supreme Court, and the United States. The upholding of his execution, in spite of all but 2 non-police witnesses recanting their testimony, another man confessing to the crime, no weapon and no DNA, illustrates that we do not have a justice system. We have an injustice system. This case also shows the true nature of the death penalty. It is a racist institution and Troy's murder is a 21st century lynching. Only the authoritarian system we live in, which promotes imperialism on its own shores, would commit such an atrocious act.

The Supreme Court of the US first refused to hear Troy's case, in spite of these changes in the evidence (including new evidence that may have exonerated him), then, after playing mind games with the entire world in the 11th hour, they let his execution go ahead. This institution is one of many in our country that will be under the control of capitalists and elevate their conservative cause until we liberate it so it will serve the people.

The ISO will continue its fight against the death penalty. We will continue to fight for the rights of all people. Troy's death will not be in vain.

This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me - Troy Davis

Don't mourn, organize. - Joe Hill

Some Success

Delay of Execution in Troy Davis case 

On Friday, the Cincinnati Branch of the ISO marched in solidarity with Amnesty International and Ohioans to Stop Executions in support of Troy Davis.  We stress that this is a temporary success and your continued agitation on the behalf of Troy Davis is needed. 

Troy's Amnesty International Page

He has been on the verge of execution on three other occasions. 
This surely must constitute psychological torture, of such a magnitude as to violate the Eighth Amendment.  Regardless, it is offensive in the eyes of decent people everywhere, and especially socialists.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shipbreaking - Food for thought

This twenty minute documentary (2 parts) by the Mumbai Port Trust Dock and General Employees Union sheds light on the actual conditions of work in developing countries.

Capitalist economists frequently try to explain why work is done overseas, rather than in developed countries, by recourse to the bankrupt notion of "comparative advantage."  In this neat little bit of sophistry, they argue that countries should produce those goods and services in which they have an "advantage" over other countries, and then trade, to the benefit of all.  The classic example (cribbed from Wikipedia) proceeds:

Suppose that in a particular city the best lawyer happens also to be the best secretary, that is he would be the most productive lawyer and he would also be the best secretary in town. However, if this lawyer focused on the task of being a lawyer and, instead of pursuing both occupations at once, employed a secretary, both the output of the lawyer and the secretary would increase, as it is more difficult to be a lawyer than a secretary. 

Lovely! However, the world doesn't work in any way that remotely resembles a capitalist economics textbook.

As the documentary so movingly demonstrates, the "advantage" enjoyed by developing nations is nothing more than conditions of poverty and inadequate regulation that enable staggering exploitation and immiseration of workers.  Is this just? Of course not. Is anyone made better off? Not the Indian workers who lose their lives, the citizenry of nations polluted by the offshoring of heavy industry, and not the working class of developed nations, whose wages are depressed and livelihoods vanish. One group of people, however, is vastly enriched: the capitalists who own these industries and reap all the profits of this increased rate of exploitation.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Save Troy Davis Rally

Troy Davis is set to be executed in just 2 weeks. We need to stand in opposition to this decision and stand behind Troy. There is too much doubt and it is very likely Georgia will execute an INNOCENT MAN.

Co Sponsors: 
Cincinnati International Socialist Organization
UC Amnesty International
Ohioans To Stop Executions

Tentative plans for the demonstration: We will be meeting at the Corner of Clifton and MLK, the same location that the solidarity rallies for the arab spring took place. There will be a few speakers from local groups to talk about the work they do and how it relates to this case. There will be a petition available to sign at the event.

Even if you will not be able to attend an event in Cincinnati, please sign the petition:

This event is Cosponsored by the Cincinnati ISO and the University of Cincinnati's Amnesty International.

Troy Davis was convicted of murdering a Georgia police officer in 1991. Nearly two decades later, Davis remains on death row — even though the case against him has fallen apart.

The case against him consisted entirely of witness testimony which contained inconsistencies even at the time of the trial. Since then, all but two of the state's non-police witnesses from the trial have recanted or contradicted their testimony.

Many of these witnesses have stated in sworn affidavits that they were pressured or coerced by police into testifying or signing statements against Troy Davis.

One of the two witnesses who has not recanted his testimony is Sylvester "Red" Coles — the principle alternative suspect, according to the defense, against whom there is new evidence implicating him as the gunman. Nine individuals have signed affidavits implicating Sylvester Coles.

An execution date for Troy Davis is scheduled for September 21! In the days before Davis' execution, the Georgia Board of Pardons & Paroles will hold a final clemency hearing – a final chance to prevent Troy Davis from being executed.

Facebook Event Page